Given the developing situation surrounding Covid-19 we would like to inform you of the additional precautions we have implemented in the workplace and at our vending sites to minimise the risk to our employees and customers and maximise your safety:

Employees to follow these measures to reduce virus spread:

  • Frequently clean hands by using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • When coughing and sneezing cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue – throw tissue away immediately and wash your hands. Wash your hands thoroughly and dry them afterwards and make a point of washing your hands every hour or so.
  • Avoid close contact with anyone who has fever and cough.
  • If you use a shared computer / keyboard, unplug the keyboard and give the keyboard a wipe with a cloth just moistened with sanitiser, once every couple of hours.
  • Use the hand sanitisers around the facility.
  • All door handles to be cleaned at the beginning and end of every shift.

None of our employees have upcoming travel plans but, should they request a holiday, they have been asked to:

  • Let their manager know of the countries to be visited so that we can manage their return appropriately.
  • A return to work after holiday questionnaire is required for those employees who have travelled abroad so we can assess the risk to the business.

None of our employees need to self-isolate but, should the need arise, they have been asked to:

  • Refer to the government website for advice on how and when to self-isolate.
  • Not attend work during the isolation period.
  • Contact their manager as soon as possible to let them know they have been required to self-isolation.  We will then assess the risk to the business and follow government guidelines.

If an employee develop symptoms they are asked to:

  • Call 111 and follow their advice or go onto and follow the website guidance.
  • Management are to be informed immediately.  The business will inform the relevant parties of the situation and follow the government guidance to ensure safety of employees and customers.

Drivers have been asked to:

  • Use sanitiser between each drop and follow guidance at each site as how deliveries are to be made.

Suppliers, customers and visitor are asked to:

  • All visitors, customers, suppliers need authorisation from senior management.
  • Use hand sanitiser when entering the office and not to shake hands.


We remain vigilant to government updates and will continue to monitor the Covid-19 situation closely.  We are taking the situation seriously and will keep you updated of any changes we implement.  We have a small but great team at The Dorset Dairy Co and want to reassure you we are doing everything to ensure you get your fresh dairy products safely.

Dan & Alex
